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From Lady Nesara

See Gratitude Mission Nov 28


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"Good Evening Beloved Ones!  I AM the one that you have given voice, and heart, and trust, and belief, and hope to, since you became consciously aware.  I AM known by you as Lady Nesara, and I come to bring you a gift of Peace at this most wondrous time of your year, and in your planet’s history.


"This event is forthcoming.  All of that which is contained within the document that represents the Spirit of that which we have created together is true.  It is coming.   It is grounded.  It is here.  It is simply not known in the third dimension of Earth, but it is true.  It is known in all others.


"I AM honored to be with you, and to assure you of its reality.  It is for real.  There will be those who will announce it.  There will be those who will educate about it.  And there will be those who will simply bask with all of the gifts that it brings. 


"I Am known to you, and you are known to me.  You have kept the torch burning.  You have kept the faith.  You have kept your hearts open, and so I ask that you open them even more to receive, all that you have just called forth, and to count the blessings of NESARA, and know that it is included, whether you were consciously aware of it or not.  


"And so the world awaits; not for long.  And the world thanks you with great gratitude and appreciation for what you have done in this gathering to bring NESARA even closer into the mouths, and into the papers, of those you call the news media. 


"And indeed the word is going out even now through the hearts, and on the waves of beautiful Love that you sent forth.  Well done, Beloved Ones, and you have played a major part in calling it forth.  Know, and keep it alive within you.  Feel it, breathe it in.  If you start to feel a bit of doubt, open and breathe it in even more.


"It is there.  It is real.  It is for you.  It is for all of the world, and all of the kingdoms to enjoy.  It is the ultimate gift, and you have helped to bring it forth.   Because it is the gift that is based purely in Love, purely in Truth, and it comes as do the messengers of Love, and Beings of Light from Source. 


"Be well Beloved Ones.  Stay in balance.  And as they say upon your planet,  'keep the faith',  for it is Truth.  Thank you so much for calling me forth.  Thank you so much for all that you have done to bring it into the consciousness of the world.  And thank you so much for continuing upon your missions, and for the commitment.


"Now let us take a moment to feel it.   Bring it into your hearts Beloved Ones, bring it into your hearts, and into your crowns, and into your voices, and feel the warmth, and feel the glow, and feel the Joy.  NESARA lives, NESARA Loves, and We are One.  Namaste, Beloved Beautiful Ones!  Namaste!


Excerpt from Gratitude Mission Teleconference November 28, 2006


© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.